Since 2018 the N.A. Ostrovsky State Museum and Cultural Center «Integratsia» has been participating in the project «Study Day at the Museum». The city interdepartmental educational project «Study Day at the Museum» is implemented by the decision of the management of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow and the Department of Education and Science of the City of Moscow by two operators — specialists of the «MOSGORTUR» and the City Methodological Center.

The aim of the project is to use the educational resources of the capital museums to deepen and expand the knowledge of students of all educational organizations of the city of Moscow on the basic school curriculum.

The project was launched in December 2017 after the decision of the Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin on free visits to museums for Moscow schoolchildren. It provided the possibility to combine museum lessons on various subjects of the school curriculum, previously developed by museum specialists together with teachers and methodologists, with the full-fledged school days and include them in the school schedule.

The mechanism of the project

Lessons within the framework of the school day at the museum are conducted by subject teachers, to help them on the website of the City Methodological Center, you can download a universal designer of educational materials that fully comply with Federal State Educational standards and include research tasks for working in museum expositions, texts for teachers and students, sample lesson scenarios, useful links.

A school day at the museum is not just a bright event that allows you to establish interdisciplinary connections and develop student meta—subject skills.

There are three lessons available in the museum for 9th grade students in three disciplines:

  • Social studies;

  • Russian language;

  • History.

You can sign up for a lesson by following the link.